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  roofpipe-09.JPG - Yet another view of the flashing. Looking east. The drop between sections is a 50-year difference in building code. In 2004, a huge hickory tree that was a couple of feet from the corner you can see at top center, fell, crushing the carport which is just left of the photo. Two cars in the carport were undamaged (though trapped for a couple of days), but the carport and the room under the skylight visible here had to be rebuilt, at a cost of $75,000. Original house had tongue and groove 2x6 ceiling with BUR directly above. Newer codes required more in the roof -- insulation I assume though I don't know for sure -- thus the higher roof on the rebuilt part. We had been considering the SPF roof before the tree fell, and put it on after the rebuild. The added insulation helps a lot. Just wish it had been done right.  

Yet another view of the flashing. Looking east. The drop between sections is a 50-year difference in building code. In 2004, a huge hickory tree that was a couple of feet from the corner you can see at top center, fell, crushing the carport which is just left of the photo. Two cars in the carport were undamaged (though trapped for a couple of days), but the carport and the room under the skylight visible here had to be rebuilt, at a cost of $75,000. Original house had tongue and groove 2x6 ceiling with BUR directly above. Newer codes required more in the roof -- insulation I assume though I don't know for sure -- thus the higher roof on the rebuilt part. We had been considering the SPF roof before the tree fell, and put it on after the rebuild. The added insulation helps a lot. Just wish it had been done right. Download
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